<p>Rashmi is the pioneer of the unique and innovative #foodieblinddate which, for the past 30 years, she has been going on all over the world. Over three decades, inviting readers to be her #FoodieBlinddate has been Rashmi’s most innovative and exciting way of exploring and discovering.</p> <p>Having pioneered exploratory Food guides in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Paris… her #Foodieblinddates have been guiding her into uncharted foodie territories. Rashmi has been inviting readers on Foodie Blind dates even before internet and social media existed. She did this by attaching an answering machine phone to her columns in Mumbai and Chennai. And then ofcourse, social media and instagram has been the most effective way to invite Foodie blinddates.</p> <p>Rashmi will be delighted to meet you over a Foodie Blind date. Please email/DM your favorite restaurant youd like to share.</p> <p class="display-inline-block"><a class="soc-btn" href="mailto:Rashmi@rashmiudaysingh.com"><img class="sm-icon" src="../themes/lara-mag/images/email-2.svg" alt=""> Rashmi@rashmiudaysingh.com</a> <a class="soc-btn" href="https://www.instagram.com/rashmiudaysingh/?hl=en" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"><img class="sm-icon" src="../themes/lara-mag/images/insta.svg" alt=""> @rashmiudaysingh</a></p>